Hotspot Fire Project

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Hotspots Workshop Update, June 2024

Wednesday, 26th June 2024

Hotspots Workshop Update, June 2024

Workshops have been rolling out across the state despite rainy weather, including in Utungun, Wollombi/Laguna, Canoelands/Maroota and Numeralla/Countegany.


RFS Facilitator Jamie Betram and NCC ecologist Kevin Taylor delivered a workshop series to the small fire affected community at Utungun in the Nambucca Valley. This area sits in the traditional lands of the Gumbaynggirr nation and was severely impacted by the 2019 Kian Road fire. Workshop one was held on the 13th of March with 13 landholders attending. A cool burn was then successfully implemented at workshop two, before the rain set in on the 4th of April, after which participants viewed a video about a local Cultural Burning program.

The team are now working on plans for a workshop series at Warrah Creek, in the Liverpool Plains to be delivered in August. This will be RFS Northern Facilitator Jamie Betram’s last workshop with the Hotspots team before he moves into his new role as Aboriginal Programs Coordinator.


The central team have been busy with two workshops in quick succession. Central RFS Facilitator Jane Mansergh and NCC Ecologist Belinda Kenny carried out a huge workshop in Wollombi/Laguna with 35 landholders in attendance, thanks in part to the involvement of a local community group. A total of 29 property fire management plans were created during workshop one on the 4th of May. Unfortunately, during workshop two the burn couldn’t get started due to wet weather, however the community have plans to re-host the burn at a future date.

Jane and Belinda have also recently delivered a series to the community in Canoelands/Maroota, just north of Sydney. Workshop one was held on the 31st of May with 12 landholders who all live along the same road attending. During workshop two, on the 14th of June, a successful demonstration burn was conducted with the assistance of the local brigade.


Down south, RFS facilitator Phil Paterson and NCC ecologist Neale Watson delivered a workshop series for the rural community at Numeralla/ Countegany, just outside of Canberra. The workshops were held on the 7th and 20th of April with 22 landholders attending from a wide range of property types and sizes, from 8ha up to 1400ha. Local Land Services provided a presentation on African Lovegrass in the region and how fire management can help or hinder its spread. This workshop series was part of a series of workshops in the region with the Nature Conservation Council’s Bushfire Program running a peri-urban Preparing for Fire and Biodiversity workshop in town at Cooma the day prior to workshop one, and RFS running a Fire Wise workshop with the same community after workshop two.

Check out the "Where we work" map for further details on upcoming workshops in your local area.

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